Install Alpa


  • CUDA >= 11.1

  • CuDNN >= 8.1

  • python >= 3.7

Install from Source

Alpa depends on its own fork of jax and tensorflow. To install alpa from source, we need to build these forks.

  1. Clone repos

git clone
git clone
git clone
  1. Install dependencies

  • CUDA Toolkit:

    Follow the official guides to install cuda and cudnn.

  • Python packages:

    pip3 install cmake tqdm pybind11 numba numpy scipy pulp ray flax==0.4.1 tensorstore
    pip3 install cupy-cuda114  # use your own CUDA version. Here cuda-cuda114 means cuda 11.4.
  • NCCL:

    First, check whether your system already has NCCL installed.

    python3 -c "from cupy.cuda import nccl"

    If it prints nothing, then nccl is already installed. Otherwise, follow the printed instructions to install nccl.

  • ILP Solver:

    If you have sudo permission, use

    sudo apt install coinor-cbc

    Otherwise, please try to install via binary or conda.

  1. Build and install jaxlib

cd jax-alpa
export TF_PATH=~/tensorflow-alpa  # update this with your path
python3 build/ --enable_cuda --dev_install --tf_path=$TF_PATH
cd dist
pip3 install -e .
  1. Install jax

cd jax-alpa
pip3 install -e .
  1. Install Alpa

cd alpa
pip3 install -e .
  1. Build XLA pipeline marker custom call

cd alpa/alpa/pipeline_parallel/xla_custom_call_marker


All installations are in development mode, so you can modify python code and it will take effect immediately. To modify c++ code in tensorflow, you only need to run the command below from step 3 to recompile jaxlib:

python3 build/ --enable_cuda --dev_install --tf_path=$TF_PATH

Check Installation

You can check the installation by running the following test script.

cd alpa
ray start --head
python3 tests/